Updating Accounts Information (Premium)
To update your account information, follow these steps:

Step 1: Log In to Your Account
Open your browser and go to your Vessel Smart Assessment Platform
Enter your email and password, then click "Log In"
Step 2: Navigate to Account Settings
Once logged in, go to the main menu at the top of the page.
Click on "Account" to open your account settings.
Step 3: Edit Account Information
In the Account page, click on the "Edit info" button on the top-right.
Update the necessary details such as:
Phone Number
Email Address
Company Logo
After making the changes, click "Update" to confirm.
Step 4: Confirm Changes
A confirmation message will appear, letting you know your changes have been saved.
If you changed your email address, you may need to verify it by clicking the confirmation link sent to your inbox.
Need Help?
If you encounter any issues while updating your account information, please contact our support team at info@vesselscale.com